
Friday, September 17, 2021

Gyaru 109 Meme

Ahhhh, I'm so excited for this! The lovely Reila of The Name I Love posted this gyaru blog meme challenge and I've wanted to talk lots and lots more about gyaru here, so this is a perfect way to introduce myself officially as a gal! My blog isn't just about gyaru, because I also talk about gaming and anime and holiday stuff - but gyaru will be a HUGE focus. So I hope other gals will follow me and enjoy! If you're new to gal, let me know and I can recommend some blog posts that have helped me!

<I would post a picture of me here, but I am still a baby gal and I am awful and I haven't mastered a look yet. (;﹏;)>

Name / Gyaru nickname and country: Angie... I don't have a gyaru nickname, but I hope that I will eventually! I'm from the U.S. originally and will be moving to Brazil in the future. Brazil gals, talk to me! 

Since when are you gyaru? I started last year (in 2020)! I'm still so new! My first attempt at wearing a gyaru outfit wasn't great, because neither my outfit nor my make seemed very gal. >o< Right now, money is tight, so I haven't had the chance to go shopping for new clothes and make. But soon!

My first attempt at gyaru
My first attempt! I'll admit, I did look pretty, though!

How did you discover the style? So, there were one of those "share your last post" tweets on Twitter and Lizzie (who is FABULOUS) shared an outfit post and I LOVED how pretty and cute the outfit was, so I headed over to her blog and that's how I found gyaru! Lizzie's blog opened up so many doors for me and I'm so grateful for all of her posts. 

What's your current substyle? Why do you like it? Current would be amekaji and agejo... I know. They don't go together and I don't wear them together! Don't worry! When I was younger, I used to try SO hard to fit into one fashion. But that's never been me. I've also never lived one kind of lifestyle (which gyaru is for me.) I am a very complex person. 😋 Amekaji was one I didn't think I'd like, just because I really want to have a more feminine and dainty style... But the fact is, I am loud, bold and colorful. See this post for THE shirt. 

Amekaji gals

Which are your current booms? Beanies for amekaji! It's a way to get started that doesn't cost a lot and I really need them as it's finally getting colder. I found the PERFECT one from Hot Topic of all places! I've wanted something with the Nissin logo for a while because I love their ramen, haha. But yes, it's bright, it's in bold colors and I love the pom! >o< I'm also EXTREMELY into overalls right now. Especially if they're pink! Co&Lu has some beautiful overalls... Ahhhh, I can't wait to go shopping.

Nissin Cup Noodles beanie from Hot Topic

Share 3 of your fav codes. Why do you like them so much? Okay, so I don't have any of my own YET... So, I'll post some from other gals!

Georgie Piyo
Georgie's dress is so perfect and I love her heels and bag! 
She's a HUGE inspiration to me. I love her amekaji fits too.

Emi is my gal idol. I would love love love love to model myself after her. Not only are her fashion choices perfect, her personality is too! Emi recently left gal and while I'll miss her fits, I absolutely will follow her new fashion and lifestyle adventures!

Lizzie Bee
Lizzie is the Queen who got me into gyaru! Her fits are all so beautiful and I love everything from her agejo fits to her himekaji ones!

Share 3 things your learn during your Gyaru journey. I don't know much yet, but I do know that make is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!! Especially how you do your eye make. It's the thing I struggle with the most, especially the droop and the white under the eye... I keep making everything look so weird and I put my lashes on backgrounds and just ffff. 

You can be any size and shape to do gyaru and their are non-binary and male gyaruo as well! No one is left out! 

You don't need brand to look gyaru and to look good. While it's amazing and trust me, there are brand pieces that I want so badly!!!! You can still be gyaru without. So if you're like me and tight with money, don't fret. Let's do this!

Share 3 gaijin gals and 3 Japanese gals you look up to. Okay, so all of the gals above, obviously! But also:


Danielle Rianna because she's awesome, her fits are amazing and so is her make, but especially because she's a plus-size gyaru! I love love love love that she's helping other plus-size gals to feel comfortable and know that they're beautiful!

Lyon because of all the awesome blog posts and fits! I just found Lyon's blog YESTERDAY and already LOVE IT.

Reila because she does SO much for the community, from this challenge to the whole 109 event to her TikTok channel! She also has such a pretty style and I love her hair color, hehe. 


I don't know any... (;﹏;) I know a lot of Japanese gyaru models blog, but can I find them?! Absolutely not. No matter how much I search. If you have any gals you think I'd enjoy reading about, please send me the link to their blog!

What's your favorite Gyaru memory? Outside of finding gyaru, finding out that my husband has a LOT of gyaru knowledge! Plus! Finding the gal Discord and also meeting an amazing gal from where I live! Finally!

What advice would you give to people who want to start in the style but don’t have the courage yet? Okay, so I can't give advice on fits, make or hair... But I can give advice on DOING STUFF! Do what your heart wants. Gyaru is a fashion and lifestyle that won't just call to you but will scream to you, so don't ignore that voice! Yes, for some, it's a wild fashion. But that's part of the fun! You may be worried what people will think, but do you really care? Sadly, people will judge others no matter. So be what will make you happy! Plus, I think it's a very gal thing to not give a fuck to what people think. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Monday, September 13, 2021

Astrid's Birthday Interview!


Our gorgeous wife Astrid celebrated her birthday on September 10th! To celebrate, I interviewed her for my blog~ Enjoy!

1. What is your favorite sweet treat? I don't have one. I don't honestly like sweets that much, it's once in a blue moon. But I guess... Snickers.

2. What is your favorite animal? Fox, duh! (Angie's note: I knew she'd say this! She is a HUGE fan of foxes, from our super soft giant Miso fox to Save a Fox Rescue to her fox mug and more!)

Queen DixieDo
Queen DixieDo! See her and her fox, cat, mink, squirrel and more family here!

3. Tell us a special memory of yours: Meeting Angie. Waiting for her at the airport, on the phone with her, and then I saw her come down the escalator. (Angie's note: Astrid and I met in 2003 and dated long distance until I came to Utah in 2007!)

Long distance relationships

4. What's a bit of advice that you think everyone could use: Just relax, try to be happy. The day will be fine. You'll be fine! Chill out and be calm, relaxed, and if you can-Happy! (Angie's note: Astrid is a comfy, happy place. I love how warm and comforting she is. *snuggle's her*)

5. What is your current favorite fashion style? Gothic Lolita, if I could pull it off I'd wear it all the time! (Angie's note: WOMAN! YOU CAN PULL IT OFF! I WILL SLAP YOU!)

Gothic Lolita

6. What do you want to be for Halloween? Pirate! Arrrrr! (Angie's note: Wait... What?! How did I not know this?! Have you already found your costume?! Also... I'll plunder your booty, heh heh heh heh.)

Anime Pirate Girl

7. Do you want coffee? Always! (Angie's note: I'll go make you some! ^_^)

So, that's the interview! Give Astrid a warm welcome and a happy birthday! She is Koji and my precious treasure and we love her so much. #^_^#

Thursday, September 9, 2021

THE Shirt and A New Game


I found THE shirt... YES! THE. SHIRT. I am so excited and I cannot believe I found this shirt which was clearly made for me

What's Up CoCoLuLu TS

When I saw this CoCoLuLu TS I almost cried! I have a lot of personalities? traits? moods? (I don't know the word) which make up who I am. Sexy is a verrrry TOP one and so I leaned more towards agejo when I first found gyaru and I LOVE agejo but something that fits my love of being comfy, casual, hyper and COLORFUL is amekaji! 

When I first started browsing Google for amekaji fits, I came across this picture... 

Finding my amekaji shirt

And I was like, that is ME in fit form. But, like a lot of clothing I see randomly, it's not something I could ever actually buy... Or so I thought. Until yesterday, when I was browsing CoCoLuLu (and I didn't even know this TS was from them) and SAW IT!!!! RIGHT THERE!!!! FOR ME!!!!

I cannot wait to wear this shirt. 😸

Oh yeah, I'm feeling better, can you tell? My thiothixene and modafinil arrived yesterday and I feel so much more like myself again. I was completely out of them and was NOT doing well. I also just had a big glass of iced coffee... 

Now, my game is done installing! For those who don't know, I am hoping SO hard that by this time next year I'll be living in Brazil. Because of that, I am doing the very important thing of learning Portuguese. I found that a game I've heard of, Perfect World, has a Brazilian server. I actually found that out by joining their Discord without knowing and seeing a bunch of words I didn't understand - but also some that I did, which FELT GREAT.

So I'll be rolling a charrie on there and learning Portuguese as I play. 

How are you? I hope everyone is doing well! Until next time!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

New Project!


A kitty peeking in

This is a short little post! I have really been loving daily status type posts, like little diary entries. Georgie does them a lot and they feel like little letters from a friend! I really love her style of blogging. 😄

I don't have AWESOME gyaru pics to share yet or personal pics to share at all, because I've been slacking... But I will eventually! 💪

I woke up feeling horrible today. Very cold, nauseous, body jolts and even my skin hurt. I'm doing much better now, however my physical anxiety has turned into job anxiety because I start my 2nd project today and I have had ZERO training! 😐

I had orientation which was great, but an hour of orientation does not prepare me. I love this company, though, so I'll do my best! I wish I could say what I do, but I'm under NDA. All I can say is that I work from home and handle tickets for a game I love!

Oh! I also started using Facebook again. I stopped using Facebook when I stopped having friends... It's hard to make friends in your 30s. But also because of all the political drama. However, some of my favorite gals are on there and even a FABULOUS gal group. (For those who don't know, gal is a gyaru term!) So, there I am. I'm hoping I'll make some friends, be inspired, promote my blog and just chill there and enjoy my time. 😌

I'm gonna go blog read before work! Take care and until next time! 👋

Loving: Astrid, Koji and the pets Listening to: Lots of bullet journal vids of people preparing for September Feeling: Slightly less sick!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Therapy and What I'm Doing

Zen Bonsai

My job offers paid therapy, which is just... Amazing. You can browse a list of psychologists and choose who you'd like to meet with. All of them are lovely and I'm so grateful that they offer their experience and time! The psychologist I chose is super sweet and SO helpful. I told her how much I was struggling and she not only helped me, she helped me... Help myself. At the end of our last session, when I thanked her so so much, she told me that in reality, I gave myself all of the answers that I needed. She just packaged them in a way that would be clearer to me. I felt really empowered and also thankful, because I need that re-packaging SO much.

So, one thing I am starting is writing a to-do list in my bullet journal every night before bed. This way, I can sleep soundly without all of my to-do's running through my head AND I wake up feeling productive and ready to go!

When the week starts, I will also call my Doctor and set up my sleep study. I reallyyyy don't want to do this sleep study but my narcolepsy is affecting every area of my life, including work. So it's something that I need to do.

Finally, I will start confronting my worries. Instead of dwelling on what hasn't even happened and may not happen, I will face my worries head on. I'll ask how everything is (such as asking my boss how I am doing, asking my loan company if I can lower the payments, etc.)

I've realized that a h u g e source of anxiety for me is this... Not knowing and not addressing what I don't know.

Oh and finally finally, I will focus on self-care. Something I have noticed is that when my nails haven't been painted or I haven't had long nails in a while, it's a sign that I'm mentally and/or physically feeling very blah. So, I'll start small and do my nails and let that uplift me!

This is a little post about my health and I hope you enjoyed reading and maybe I've inspired you to get started on your own goals! Take care of yourselves, all of you. Until next time!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Comfy N' Cozy Autumn

Comfy N' Cozy Autumn
Hello everyone! Whether you're a new reader or an old friend, I'm heeeere! I'm alive! If you follow me on Twitter, you'll see I tweet from time to time, but blogging? I haven't blogged in a long while. I always miss blogging when I've taken a break, but lately more so than ever before.

I don't have as much free time as I'd like. My schedule is kind of all over the place. I'm working for two companies, and for one company I am working on 2+ projects. It's really busy, but I work from home and I'm SO thankful for that. I also feel really accomplished! 

In September, I didn't pick up as many shifts as I would like, so I'm hoping to sign on to that third project soon.

I've been playing a lot of Swords of Legends Online, Conan Exiles and Final Fantasy XIV. On FFXIV, I have a Miqo'te Ninja named Ayame Otsuki. She and Astrid's kitty, Y'anna Fhuz, are yankii girls. Japanese gangster girls! In fact, we're even opening up a sake den...

So what did our absolutely amazing husband do? He drew Astrid and my characters in our yankii outfits for Astrid's upcoming birthday! 
Y'anna Fhuz and Ayame Otsuki from FFXIV drawn by Koji Kawada
Y'anna is on the left and Ayame is on the right! They fit our personalities SO WELL and Ayame has a gyaru yankii theme going on which I LOVE! Koji is so good to us. ♥ If you ever want to commission him for something, let me know! He has some spots open for September!

I know that September is still Summer for most of the month, but it's when Autumn starts and so it's really a full Autumn-y month to me. We've already ordered our PSLs (well, Koji hasn't, as he doesn't like pumpkin! Astrid and I are going to try to get him to try some this Halloween and hopefully win him over), have turned off the fan, bundled up more during the chilly nights and have been looking for lots of Halloween decorations!

But I'm not talking about Halloween yet. This post is all about Comfy N' Cozy Autumn finds. I hope you enjoy!

This Sailor Moon themed holiday sweater is pretty, pink and cozy

I LOVE Sailor Moon and holiday sweaters, so this beautiful Sailor Moon Luna & Sailor Guardian Symbols Holiday Sweater is perfect for me. It's so pink and cozy looking. I love being soft and fuzzy and this lets me be just that! It's from BoxLunch and is about $59. I'll be in this all the way until 2022 (and probably until Summer of '22 too.) 

Pusheen Patisserie Nintendo Switch Lite Skin

For those who don't know, my Switch died on me. *sob* I need and want a new one SO badly. I miss Animal Crossing a lot! I'll hopefully get another one for Yule. That's my goal. Anyway! This Pusheen Patisserie Nintendo Switch Lite Skin is SO perfect for Autumn! To me, even though coffee is good no matter which season you're in, it's the best in Autumn. Plus, you can never ever go wrong with Pusheen! Grab this from the official Pusheen shop for only $20!
Real life Carbuncle slippers
Astrid found these Carbuncle Slippers for me and they're SO CUTE! I love Carbuncles so much, they're the cute Arcanist pet from FFXIV. She bought me a pair in-game and Ayame loves them. Now I just wanna be warm n' cozy in real life with my own pair! They're $35 but are on a waiting list right now. I neeeed them!

1 or 2 pc set | 15mm | BGM - Foil Stamping Crayon Land Collection Foodie Washi Tape ROLL | Pastry Shop - Coffee Shop

I've been bullet journaling a LOT, though it's not perfect and though I know that isn't the reason to bullet journal, I can't help but wish I was better. But, with time, hopefully I will be! During the process, I'll continue stocking up on all sorts of washi tape, stickers and more. My theme for September is Comfy N' Cozy and I feel like this Pastry Shop - Coffee Shop Foodie Washi Tape from Crafty Corgi House fits perfectly! Just the other morning Koji got a really delicious sugary croissant and that just gave me such a warm and fuzzy feeling. Bonus: this is only $4.25, so you can spend a LOT in Crafty Corgi House's shop! 

Alright, I wanted to include more but it's almost time for work! I will be back later, though, I promise!

Tell me what Comfy N' Cozy things you're loving for this upcoming Autumn, friends! Happy September!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Catching Up With a Currently Post

 Iced coffee with ice cream and cookies

Hello, friends! It's been... a while! My blog is constantly on my mind, though, and so are all of you. How have you been? What're you doing and loving currently? I hope you share with me in the comments or do your own currently post and let me know!

I've been SUPER busy with work. One is report moderation but that's all I can say as I'm under NDA and the other is being a Discord Moderator for Healthy Gamer! It's a lot of fun and the community is really interesting. Both are work from home, as is my third upcoming (hopefully!) job. I'm so excited and I'll share when / if I can!

I've been consuming loads of iced coffee to get me through both my hours and this dreadful heat. When it's dawn and night, I love the temperature. It's warm yet there's that slight chill in the air that is just... Comfortable. But in the day? It's sweltering. Thank Gods for AC!

July is also my birthday month, woo woo! I'm turning 32!

Oh and... I updated my blog header! I used a favorite physical washi tape of mine that is Japanese themed and turned it into a PNG and did this pretty header style. I LOVE IT and I'm so proud of myself! I can't wait to upload more washi tape PNGs to use for blogging.

Alright, let's get this Currently post started!

🎮 Playing: Swords of Legends Online! I have a feeling this will become my second favorite or even favorite MMORPG. It's already so popular, but that's not the point, the point is that it's SO much fun and I love my character already and all I've played is the beta! Though I did get to max level. The game's full release is on July 9th and the three of us, Astrid, Koji and I, have already reserved our names. 

Swords of Legends Online Spearmaster


I have also been playing loads of Shinobi Striker. OMG, this game is SO much fun! I'm a huge Naruto fan and I also love fighting games, so when I saw that this game was on sale on Steam for $4.99, I HAD TO GRAB IT! I've already hit level 10 and I chose my first VR trainer as Madara. 

Shinobi Striker Otsukihime


📺 Watching: Nurarihyon no Mago, which Koji recommended to me because I LOVE yokai and the Yakuza. It's really good and when Rikuo is in his yokai form, he's a total badass AND he has white hair.

Rikuo of Nurarihyon no Mago


I'm also watching Naruto (wow, what a surprise) and am starting Dragon Ball Z! I've actually never watched DBZ (shame) but I really want to, especially after Koji bought the Dragon Balls for the apartment! They're in the bedroom and they look so cool. I love the meaning behind them! I have a loooot of episodes to watch of both Naruto and DBZ.

I've also been watching a TON of bullet journal inspiration vids on YouTube. I'm not going to list them here, because I'm actually going to highlight some of my favorite bujo vloggers in a separate post. Just know that that is coming!  

Something I love is that bujo vloggers often have other vids that are inspirational too, like Claudia Joseph's "Morning Routine To Help You Less Anxious During The Day"! I've started following her advice and waking up early and it's made such a HUGE difference in how I feel. 

Finally, I made a friend from work named Savannah and she is SO cool and a lover of true crime, so she's gotten me hooked on listening to true crime stories on YouTube while I work. I especially love any that come out of Japan.

🎧 Listening: I've really been into Japanese, Korean and Chinese pop while working and also all female Japanese rock bands! Some of my favorites from each country are LiSA (Japan), FINLANDS (Japan), Red Velvet (Korea), BLACKPINK (Korea) and SING (China)! 

LiSA Japanese singer


BLACKPINK Pretty Savage


SING Chinese band


I'm really only into Korean girl groups, so that's what I focus on and I've actually found two new groups that I really enjoy and they're Everglow and Aespa! Give them a listen!

📚 Reading: Nothing right now. Boring, I know! I'm planning on reading a novel about a man who's a dragon and has been asleep for 500 years... But I need either Koji or I to remember the name! In the meantime, I might read some other dragon cultivation novels just to sate my thirst for dragon-y goodness. 

💪 Working on: My bullet journal! I am working on this so hard. I've been collecting washi tape, stickers, markers and so much more for my bujo. In fact, for my birthday, Astrid bought me my first actual A5 journal from Notebook Therapy! I'm so excited. This is the one I picked:

I'm also working on being more zen. Having a morning routine, especially because of my narcolepsy. I have a certain number of reports I need to do for work per hour and narcolepsy can really really bring down my number. So I'm trying to wake up earlier, so that I can be fully awake while I work instead of waking up right as I start. I also just want more time to do my journaling, gaming and exercising!

Obviously, I am also working on my little blog! I love this space. I miss this space. I constantly think about and plan posts for this space. ♥ So I'll put more effort into being present here, especially now that I love my theme.

😊 Loving: Astrid, Koji and our babies • good friends • nice managers and co-workers • inspirational vloggers • Slime ASMR • ASMR in general, especially if it's about being in the spa or getting ready for a Victorian ball • ambient music vids on YouTube • Dragon Blood incense • planning on buying Yerba Mate tea so I can have the traditional Southern Brazilian drink • iced coffee • icey Coca-Cola • 7-11 taquitos • feeling more like myself • and so much more!